Friday, December 27, 2013

CHOCOLATE!!!! Halleluja!!

Olá Familia e amigos de novo!! FELIZ NATAL!!! So we are still having email problems but luckily, we still have the laptops here. We are all trying to write, but the internet keeps cutting in and out so I am writing this in a Word Doc and hoping I can post it in an email. If not, an instructor will email this for me from their house. We’ll see!! So this week I hit my one month mark!! CRAZY! Only 17 left! And it honestly is flying. Christmas here at the CTM was a lot of fun! I love the friends I have here and the good times we have with each other. My companion was a blessing on Christmas day!! Some people were feeling home sick and crying and such, but mine was strong, which made it better for me. We were able to just focus on Christmas and have a great time together rather than moping around. I was so grateful! My one thing is... (and ya I got this from you mom...) “If you’re not having a good time it’s your own fault. Attitude makes all the difference.” Anyway, we had the opportunity to watch The Testaments, play games, do service and Sing songs and all that jazz! We even had Papai Natal come to the CTM and bring us gifts! The Elder’s all got ties and the Sister’s got necklaces. It was such a fun day! We also got lots of.... CHOCOLATE!!!! Halleluja!! Haha foi muito legal! Yesterday some Elder’s told me that I have to be here another week because I went to Provo a week early. I’m not sure yet if this is the case, but if I do I will be put with Brasileras in a companionship. That’ll be scary because I’ll actually have to speak Portuguese all the time, but at least I’ll still be in the CTM. Not sure yet, but I guess we’ll both find out next pday. If you haven’t noticed, my Motto on the mission so far has been we´ll find out! :P oh well, everything happens for a reason. So quick shout out to Elyse Ivy.... You’ll never guess who is in my district. He is the fly’est Elder and we’re real good friends. Elder Skyler Winsor, (Bree Winsor´s brother). Anyway, it made me so happy! I honestly love my district here!! As I mentioned before, we got split a few weeks ago but were all still on the same schedule so it’s fine. We all have the same focus and I love that! It’s what brings us together no matter our differences. We all are trying to invite people to come unto Christ! (So we actually just got internet back so now I’m writing on my email.... crazy!! haha!) Anyway, we just went out as a district to a REAL Brasilian Steak House!!! Foi Ótimo, muito legal!!!! Loved it! I did find out that I have to stay a week longer here. There’s not enough room (or something) for all of the incoming missionaries, and because I’m an extra there is not room enough for me. Oh well. Apparently it’s what I need! I’m just going with it - I’m on the Lord's time so I’ll work according to His will. I also gave my first talk in Portuguese this week at church. It was a 7 min talk about the Atonement of Jesus Christ. It went really well. When the meeting was over the Bishopric said I had done a very good job and asked me if I knew Portuguese before I came on my mission. I was so nervous before but it went well, and at least it’s out of the way. So I guess I’ll be emailing you all one last letter from the CTM next week!! Just know that I know this church is true. I know that Jesus Christ is our Savior and Redeemer and that He lives. Love you all bunches! I know this email was all over that place, sorry about that. Hopefully next week it will be less crazy here!!! P.S. I LOVE pictures and reading emails is my favorite, even if I don’t have time to respond. Thanks all for the emails, love and support!!! Muah Eu amo vocês, boa semana pra vocês. Até mais!!! <3 Bejos Tchau!!!

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